OF RELIGION Field Guide to the

Herbert W Armstrong In His Own Words


The Myth & The Man

Questions about the Myth–Answers from the Man

Why question The Myth?
If you are unfamiliar with the ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong ("HWA"),
you may wish to click the above link to some  background material relevant to this page.

This material is part of a Field Guide profile of The Worldwide Church of God (WCG) Under Founder Herbert Armstrong. Click here to go to the main page of the WCG profile.


Click on a question to go to the answer.


Although some answers include a bit of commentary by the Webauthor of this site, most material consists of direct quotations from the writings of Herbert Armstrong himself and his close associates..


1. Didn’t HWA always say, "Don’t believe me, believe your Bible"?

2. Didn't  HWA want church members to be good ambassadors to their neighbors and friends for "The Truth"?

3. Didn’t HWA just calmly inform his "Co-Workers" of financial needs of "The Work"?

4. Didn’t HWA only start referring to himself as an Apostle in his last few years?

5. Didn’t HWA preach the True Gospel to world leaders just like Paul did in the first century?

6. There may have been problems in later years, but wasn’t Ambassador College at one point "God’s College," created by the miraculous intervention of God and the boundless faith of its founder, HWA?

7. The members of the Radio Church of God were so scattered in the early years of the organization—surely HWA would have wanted them to get together with one another even if there was no official congregation or minister in the area ... wouldn't he?

8. HWA never claimed the title of "prophet," so why do some consider him to be a false prophet?

9. In spite of whatever foibles he may have had, wasn’t HWA a great man of Faith, who trusted God for finances to do what he called "The Work"?



Unless otherwise noted, all original material on this Field Guide website
is © 2001-2011 by Pamela Starr Dewey.

Careful effort has been made to give credit as clearly as possible to any specific material quoted or ideas extensively adapted from any one resource. Corrections and clarifications regarding citations for any source material are welcome, and will be promptly added to any sections which are found to be inadequately documented as to source.

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